1. Collection of the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Italy in Russia Mr. Cesare Maria Ragaglini
2. ALFA-BANK, Moscow
3. Тhe Kate Moss Collection, London
4. National Reserve Bank, Moscow
5. «Russian Aluminium» Company, Moscow
6. ProBusinessBank, Moscow
7. Inter Art Reich Gallery, Koeln, Germany
8. «Optimation» Company, Munich, Germany
9. Gallery Modern Art & Design, Hans Eberhard, Stuttgart, Germany
10. Collection O. von Schmitz-Horbach, Aachen, Germany
11. Collection Jrmgard Gosebruch, Bruxelles, Belgium
12. Bel Development (structure of Russian Aluminum Co.), Moscow
13. Collection Коллекция U.J. Muller, Hamburg, Germany
14. A. Bertolini Collection, Rome, Italy
15. Dr. Norbert Schaller Collection, Korneuburg/Vena, Austria
16. Dr. Kerner Collection, Munich, Germany
17. Collection Stephane Frappat's Collection, Paris, France
18. Collection Preston H. Haskell, FL, USA
19. LUK OIL, Moscow, Russia
20. KomuniBank, Moscow
21. International UNESCO Foundation, Moscow, Russia
22. Collection Rushan Khvesyuk , Chairman of the Board ALFA-BANK
23. Collection Alexander Lukanov, Chairman of the Board ALFA-BANK
24. Private collections in Moscow, Cologne, New York, Berlin, Vienna, Verona