«LEDA. SYMPHONY C MAJOR» 2007, canvas, Mozart score, mixed technique, acrylic, 140х110 cm.
Leda, a girl playing - or perhaps copulating? - with a swan... A strange and somehow physiological subject that attracted Ancient and Renaissance artists, that was reflected many times in Roman cameos; an image that we remember from Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Tician. Hellinistic erotic legend today is perceived as a symbol of contemporary desire to find unsusual pleasures oftenly verging on perversity. The foundation of this composition is an antique barelief; in 1643 Michelangelo, inspired by it, painted a picture annihilated by his contemporaries for its shocking salacity. Now however the permit limits are so vague that Leda’s voluptouosness looks quite ingenious...